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Chinese translation for "dabble at"


Related Translations:
dabbling:  灌注的
dabble:  vt.1.弄湿,溅湿。2.蘸,浸,沾。 be dabbled with mud (被)溅满泥浆。vi.1.玩水。2.浅尝,涉猎,涉足。短语和例子dabble in literature 涉猎文学。 dabble in [with] stocks 经营一部分股票。 dabble with the text 窜改原文。
dabble speculation:  小额投机小试投机
dabbling duck:  雁属钻水鸭
dabble v:  玩玩下
dibble dabble:  试算法
dabble in:  涉猎
dabble in stocks:  经营部分股票
Example Sentences:
1.With quickly development of international finance business , international finance contents is becoming wider and wider and dabbling at more and more knowledge
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